As of 11:59PM, I have officially concluded that October 7, 2010 was a happy day.
The weird thing is, I don't know why. Nothing exciting has happened; in fact, it was an incredibly average day. Went to school. "Studied". Had a quiz. Ate dinner with Gab and Bru. Bought pastries from Goldilocks. Went home. Logged on the the Internetz instead of studying.
Still, throughout the day, I have had a smile on my face. Ask Gab, and she'll tell you that I haven't had a day this consistently happy since... Shit, I can't even remember.
Anyway, in keeping with the Optimism Challenge with Vivien that we seem to have abandoned, here are things that made me happy today:
- Had a two-hour nap before getting ready for school
- Took my sweet time going to UST because I took the chance that there was no English class
- Had crazy fun with Gab in TYK, just being complete idiots
- Got 5/10 in the objective part in our History quiz. Sounds pretty low, but it's 75%, so... Shove it up your ass.
- Actually had fun, for the first time, in Rational Psychology. Sir Luna asked us to evaluate him, and after that, the class took photos.
- Ate at McDonald's with Gab, Bru, and Rod, Gab's friend from high school
- Got the last seat on the bus
Trivial, yes, but perhaps optimism—and sometimes, happiness, for I believe they are two different things—is all in the mind, how you try to view things. And today, the glass is half-fucking-full. :D
Very good.