September 27, 2010

Honesty (I swear to god I write the worst titles ever)

Wandering 'round the blogosphere, I read an entry from one of my favorite bloggers, Fickle Cattle. Fickle Cattle anonymously blogs about life, love, being gay, and being a writer, among other things. 

He had recently written something that struck me: he said that honesty is one of the things that makes for good writing. Now, let me be honest (LOL). I don't say things straight to the point. I hedge, beat around the bush, mince my words. See, I'm doing it right now. God, what's wrong with me.

My point is (yes, I do have one), I find it hard to be completely honest in my writing. What should I be honest about? My emotionally-damaging past, the guys I like and/or have fallen for, squabbles with my family and friends? How about mean thoughts I'd prefer to keep to myself because it would hurt people's feelings?
Hell, I can't even admit my own feelings to myself. I constantly keep up a stream of denial in the hopes that my emotions would disappear.

Maybe someday, when I come completely to terms with who I was, when I'm comfortable enough to show who I am, when I'm emotionally healthy enough to be honest with myself—maybe, I could show a hundred percent honesty in my writing. 'til then, I'm hedging, beating around the bush, and mincing my words.


  1. I think it's because when bloggers are truly honest, a lot more can relate to them and wont feel ashamed to leave a comment or two on their blogs. But I think you're a good writer based on this post alone. =)

    And thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. =)

  2. Hey! I think honesty manifests itself in many forms, not just in one way. I think when I talk about honesty, I do not mean it in just one sense. I should probably think about it some more.

    Thanks for telling me about this post. I appreciate it. :-)

    I am Fickle Cattle.


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