June 10, 2010

New Year's Resolutions: A Check-Up

Last January, I wrote down all the things I hope to accomplish in 2010. Now, it's June, and I wanted to see how well I've been holding up my New Year's resolutions.

I will get over my broken heart.
Easier said than done; I never was one to easily let go of people, let alone my longest, most serious relationship to date. I can still remember the night I realized that I had fallen out of love. 
It was a school night, a hot and sticky night. I was lying in bed when all of a sudden, my ex-boyfriend texted me. We got to talking, and halfway through our conversation I realized that I was bored. My heart wasn't pounding hard, I wasn't reminiscing of the good times we had—I was actually really, completely, totally bored with the conversation.
I had cried rivers of tears. My pillow had seen so many sleepless nights. The heartbreak felt like it would never end.
It was the most ecstatic feeling to know that I had overcome that.

I will study harder.
Aaaaah, every student's New Year's resolution! Unfortunately, one I could not keep.
In the last semester of my first year in college, I got the lowest grades I have ever received in my whole life.
The first thing I thought of was my family and their reactions. Despite being the black sheep from time to time, I love my family and hate to disappoint them. My poor academic performance will most certainly not be a cause for their celebration.
Breaking down in tears, I texted my best friend, asking him to call because I really needed to talk to someone. To add to my chagrin, my mom arrived while I was in the midst of my crying fit. She took one look at my tearstained face and tangled hair (on which I was pulling out of despair) and said, "Nakita mo na grades mo 'no?"

I will be a better friend.
I'd like to say I have accomplished this, but my friends might think otherwise, so... Can anyone testify to this? 

Lose weight.
Every single year, I say this. 
It's actually funny: this is a New Year's resolution, right? It's just ironic that I say this on a night when I can pig out on my grandmother's delicious cooking (baked mussels, homemade corned beef, corndogs, lasagna...)
Needless to say, I have failed dismally. I hate this resolution!

Oh, well. Two out of four is pretty good—at least for me.


  1. inggit ako sa grade mo sa pgc..di bale, we'll study a LOT MORE harder!! WAHAHAHAAHA!=))

  2. I'm proud of my PGC grade. At least I know that I'm suited to law. Teehee. :)


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